Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The school education department received most number of complaints through the CM Helpline regarding issues faced by students in government schools, with concerns ranging from inadequate sanitation in school washrooms to irregularities in the functioning of the schools themselves.
As of June 2024, the School Education Department has registered approximately 1,300 complaints through the CM Helpline. In response to this situation, the then Director of the School Education Department, Dhanarju S. has instructed officials to address these issues as soon as possible.
One of the most significant complaints relates to the state's scholarship programs, where students report difficulties in receiving their entitled funds. Additionally, many students are troubled by the lack of cleanliness in government schools and the infrastructure of the schools. Complaints have also been lodged regarding the untimely opening of primary and middle schools, with reports of teachers either arriving late, being absent, or schools remaining closed altogether, especially in rural areas.
Other concerns include delays in the construction of school buildings, lack of access to clean drinking water, and issues related to school fees. Complaints also extend to higher education institutions, including education colleges and District Institutes of Education and Training (DIET), where students face challenges related to admissions. An official from the department told Free Press that we receive various complaints and try to respond to them immediately so that our grading doesn’t fall in terms of resolving the issues.