Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Chief Minister Mohan Yadav's father, Poonam Chand Yadav left for his heavenly abode on Tuesday evening in a private hospital in the city of Ujjain. On Thursday, Chief Minister bode his farewell to his father by immersing his ashes in the Kshipra river in the city.
His father was admitted to a private hospital in the Freeganj area about a week ago and breathed his last breath on Tuesday evening. A day later, on Wednesday morning, the grieving son immersed his father's ashes has in Kshipra river.
Funeral Procession Held
As soon as the grave news of his father's death reached the CM, he immediately left for Ujjain and cancelled all his meetings for the day. A funeral procession was performed at Chakrateerth Ghat on the banks of Kshipra on Wednesday. The funeral procession started at 11 am from their ancestral residence in Abdalpura.
Scores of Ministers and MLA arrived at the funeral procession to give their condolences to the family. Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia was seen on top of the hearse vehicle and was seen consoling CM Yadav.
Many Ministers like Ex CM Kamal Nath, MP Congress president Jitu Patwari and BJP state president VD Sharma expressed their condolences on Twitter.