Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Days lead by the horrifying incident that took place at the RG Kar Medical College, protests all around the state of Madhya Pradesh have risen. The Junior Doctors Association (JUDA) has written a letter to chief minister Mohan Yadav, deputy chief minister (health minister) Rajendra Shukla, and Gandhi Medical College (GMC), Bhopal.
As per the letter, JUDA has decided to shut down all elective services (OPDs, elective OTs, ward duties, and lab services) effective immediately. The emergency services will continue to be functional as usual. However, if demands are not met, JUDA Bhopal will be forced to resort to completely shutting off all emergency as well as elective services.
Protests erupt in Indore as well
In a statement, the Junior Doctors and Senior Residents of MGM Medical Group, Indore, expressed their deep sorrow, devastation, and anger over the incident, where an on-duty doctor was brutally raped and murdered at RG Kar Medical College, Kolkata.
Standing in solidarity with the Resident Doctor Association nationwide, they support the demands of the RG Kar Medical College residents for a transparent investigation and adequate compensation for the grieving family of the young doctor. Additionally, they are calling for the implementation of the Central Protection Act for all doctors and enhanced safety measures.