Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Busting all rumours, Chief Electoral Officer Anupam Rajan has clarified that the Election Commission has not approved tenure extension of the current Chief Secretary, Iqbal Singh Bains. This clarification follows the widespread circulation of fake news on social media, falsely claiming an extension for Bains. Notably, Bains' tenure will end by month-end. Earlier, he has received two six-month extensions.
Sources indicate that the state government will submit a panel of senior IAS officers to the Election Commission. Among potential candidates, Veera Rana, Chairman of the Board of Secondary Education, is the senior-most IAS officer. As Madhya Pradesh is in mid of polling, Election Commission will decide the interim Chief Secretary of the state. If seniority is considered then Rana may get the charge of interim CS.
Other names creating buzz for the coveted post include Rajesh Rajora and JN Kansotia. Which ever political party comes to power after declaration of election results, it will appoint the full term Chief Secretary of the state.
The news of the alleged extension for the incumbent Chief Secretary, Iqbal Singh Bains, had gained substantial traction on various social media platforms. As the misinformation spread rapidly, the Chief Electoral Officer, Anupam Rajan, deemed it necessary to address the issue and issued a comprehensive statement clearly denying the false claims.