Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Patwaris from all over the state gathered in Bhopal on Saturday. After being on leave for the last 3 days, Patwaris took out Tiranga Yatra in the capital for salary hike. They proceeded towards CM House from Atal Path (Boulevard Street), but the police stopped them. The police had barricaded the road.
Patwaris from across the state including Bhopal, Indore, Gwalior, Jabalpur, Ujjain, Shajapur, Vidisha, Raisen and Sehore participated in demonstration.
Kotwars also participated. President of Madhya Pradesh Patwari Sangh Upendra Singh Baghel said Tiranga Yatra was peaceful.
Baghel said protest was staged in a phased manner. In the first phase, from August 21, all had left the government group and boycotted online work. In the second phase, from August 23 to August 25, they were on mass leave.
Patwaris in Madhya Pradesh get salary according to pay scale fixed in 1998. There has been no increase in the pay scale of patwaris of the state in last 25 years. Whereas, the pay scale of all the promoted posts (Revenue Inspector, Naib Tehsildar, Assistant Superintendent Land Records, Tehsildar, Superintendent Land Records) of the Department of Revenue and the Department of Land Records, has been increased many times.