Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): A 23-year-old man who had gone to Kerwa river on Wednesday morning with his pet dog and two female friends, drowned when all of them were crossing the river, Ratibad police said. The police added that pet dog had lost balance and had begun drowning, in a bid to rescue whom, the student died. Ratibad police station house officer (SHO) Hemant Shrivastava said man who died was Saral Nigam, a resident of Chunabhatti who had obtained MTech degree from MANIT. He had gone to Kerwa river with his pet dog and two of his female friends - Jaya and Ashima.
The trio decided to cross the river to reach the other end with pet dog. As they reached middle of river, their dog began drowning. In a bid to save him, Nigam came to his rescue and lost balance. Jaya and Ashima extended hand to Nigam but he was swept away by raging water current. The dog and two women were saved but Nigam drowned. The police were informed who rushed to the spot. After 3-hour-long search operation, his body was fished out and was handed over to his kin.