Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The special director general of police (reforms) has written a letter to DGP, suggesting to organise parade, drills of police personnel from constable to inspector rank officials posted at police headquarters (PHQ). The police personnel like constable, head constable, assistant sub inspector, sub inspector and inspectors are posted or attached at PHQ. They are posted in various branches of the headquarters. They are brought from field and after a certain period of time, they are sent back to their field postings.
There is no provision of drills who are posted at PHQ. When they return to their field posting, they faces health problems and take long time to catch up with their colleagues. Sources informed that these personnel have managed to get posting in PHQ. After getting posting at PHQ, the personnel do not pay attention to physical activities.
Arrangements made
The DG Shailesh Singh told Free Press that arrangements would be made for parade, drills of police personnel twice a week. At PHQ office, they mostly do sedimentary work. When they go back, they face problems. Over 450 personnel from across the state are working at PHQ, a t present.