Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): In a heartbreaking incident, a 4-year-old boy passed away on Monday night, a fortnight after he was bitten by a dog while playing in Bhopal.
The boy named Suleman, who was playing at a construction site near Ashima Mall located on Hoshangabad Road, was attacked by a dog on January 8. The doctors administered a vaccine, and Suleman remained admitted for four days. After his recovery, he was discharged from the hospital.
Suddenly, on Monday night, the child started behaving strangely and even fell unconscious. The family rushed him to the hospital, where the doctors declared him dead.
Suleman's uncle, Aerial Jojo, shared that a week after discharge, Suleman's health started deteriorating. His body felt cold, and he developed a fear of fans. Suleman exhibited strange behaviors; he would cry frequently and would not talk much. Concerned about his condition, the family took him back to the hospital. Following treatment, the doctor stated that Suleman's treatment had been completed.
Aerial, Suleman's uncle, narrated that on January 22, Suleman suddenly collapsed while walking. His body started cooling down, and around 9:00 PM, he lost consciousness. Swiftly, they took him to AIIMS, where the doctors declared him dead. According to AIIMS management, Suleman was brought to AIIMS in a lifeless state around 9:30 PM.
The police are conducting a post-mortem examination. Suleman's parents reside in Laharpur, Katar Hills.