Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The 10-year-old boy who was electrocuted by a high tension wire in Karond on Wednesday died during treatment on the intervening night of Saturday-Sunday, the police said. Station house officer (SHO) of Nishatpura police station, Rupesh Dubey said that the boy who died during treatment is named Shubh Ahirwar (10), who was bathing in the balcony of his house on Wednesday. He accidentally came in contact with a high tension wire, following which he was electrocuted and sustained 100 percent burns.
He was rushed to a private hospital, where he died after three days of treatment. Residents of Ratan colony, where Ahirwar used to reside along with his mother and siblings, have levelled allegations against central disdcom for being negligent. They alleged that as many as five persons have died due to electrocution in the area. The police sent the boy’s body for post-mortem and handed it over to his kin on Sunday. Police said that Ahirwar’s family hailed from Raisen and his mother worked as a security guard at a private hospital in Bhopal.