4 easy exercises to stretch and strengthen your lower back

4 easy exercises to stretch and strengthen your lower back

Prolonged sitting can cause a lot of damage to our lower back. To counter the impact, there are exercises that will help keep your lower back fit and fine

Bipin SalviUpdated: Saturday, August 19, 2023, 07:07 PM IST

Prolonged sitting can cause a lot of damage to our lower back. To counter the impact, there are exercises that will help keep your lower back fit and fine. They also strengthen the lower back muscles and helps you stretch it in the right manner. And, the best part is, you don’t need to go to a gym or use expensive equipment's. These exercises can be done even in the comfort of your home. Let’s get started!

Bridge pose: Not only does a bridge pose strengthen the muscles along the spine, it works on the glutes and abs as well. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground with arms at your sides. Raise your pelvis upwards, squeezing your buttocks. Your shoulders will do the work here with supporting your body. Hold the bridge for five seconds, focusing on squeezing that booty. Slowly lower the torso. Repeat this 10 to 15 times per set with at least three sets.

Cobra pose: This backbend strengthens your spine and opens and stretches your abs, shoulders, and chest. Lie on your stomach. Bring your arms towards your chest without letting your elbows bend outward. Lift your upper body with your arms, opening chest and shoulders. Keep your pelvis on the ground to strengthen the lower back. Lift as far as you can (at least halfway). Exhale and release your body back to the mat, placing hands by your sides. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds then repeat three to four times.

Child pose: This pose works quite a lot of muscles for you. It stretches the lower back. You will feel your spine lengthen and release of tension from your body. Sit in a kneeling position with your buttocks resting on your feet. Spread knees apart and bend your body forward placing your hands stretched in front of you. Rest your forehead on the floor in front. Keep arms stretched ahead. Breathe in and out keeping this posture for to two minutes.

Cat-Cow pose: This pose is a gentle one to stretch and strengthen the spine. It also stretches the neck, shoulders, and torso. Start in a tabletop position on all fours with your knees below your hips and palms below your shoulders. Inhale, letting the stomach drop, arching your back, head positioned upwards and shoulders back, and chest forward. Exhale, hunching your back, bringing the belly button toward the spine and pelvis in toward the rib cage, dropping your head toward the floor. Alternating two positions five to 10 times.


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