A video of an elderly man from Noida, Uttar Pradesh spilling petrol on the ground while filling it himself has surfaced online. It shows him recklessly wasting fuel reportedly for creating social media reels. People are upset and angry with the man and his act and want the authorities to take necessary and immediate action against him.
Stepping down from his car and filling it with petrol himself, the man spills quite an amount of petrol on the ground after missing to perfectly fill it in the fuel tank of the vehicle. No sooner, the petrol pump staff took to even wipe his car where there were spots of spillage. The video from the incident has gone viral on social media.
Video angers netizens
It took place at an Indian oil petrol pump where the man was let to hold the fuel pipe by himself instead of the trained staff. Several people forwarded and shared the clip on their social media handles to draw the attention of police officials in this regard. Netizens condemned the case and demanded the police to look into the matter and arrest the concerned people involved in it.
NOT THE FIRST TIME of wasting petrol for mere Instagram reel
Some internet users figured out the identity of the elderly man. The man was identified as an Instagram user with over 6,000 followers named Vikram Singh Yadav. Another video on his Instagram page posted in June this year showed him wasting petrol, making him a repeated offender. In the earlier video, he was seen refusing the assistance of a fuel station staff who tried to fix the pipe inside the car's petrol tank and prevent wastage.
Police respond after video goes viral
Taking cognisance of the viral reel, DCP Noida tweeted that the station in-charge Section 113 Noida has been directed for necessary action.