India is witnessing monsoon and several parts of the country are facing a heavy downpour. Amid flooding in Kerala, waterlogging in Chennai and rains in the national capital, visuals from Uttar Pradesh have also surfaced on the internet. A video from the Bijnor district in Uttar Pradesh showed a crocodile crawling on the village streets and leaving people shocked. According to reports, the reptile was spotted taking a stroll of the Nangal Soti village on Wednesday morning.
Man kicks crocodile
While the incident resulted in panic among local residents, one of them was seen hurting the crocodile without any fear or guilt. The video captured the crocodile walking without harming anyone, but a man kicked it with his foot. He approached the crocodile and kicked it, making it deal with pain and fear. Soon after the man hurt the reptile, it rushed to its rescue and took faster steps.
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Dogs scream on spotting crocodile
The video opened by showing a crocodile crawling on the roadside and leaving people afraid. It was learned that the incident came to light after multiple dogs were heard screaming since early morning on Wednesday, only to discover the presence of the reptile on the local streets. The footage also showed a dog running towards the crocodile and then getting shooed away.
Crocodile roamed for nearly 3 hours
As the villagers saw the crocodile, they alerted the forest officials about the incident. According to local media reports, the prompt communication resulted into action and the crocodile was rescued. About two hours from the intimation, the forest department visited the village and captured the reptile. It is said that the reptile roamed there for nearly three hours.
UP rains
For August 7, the India Meteorological Department issued an orange alert for Uttar Pradesh. Meanwhile, weather reports predict heavy rainfall in the parts of the state due to a depression that formed over the Bay of Bengal earlier this month.