On Monday, Delhi Police made arrests in connection with the Delhi coaching centre flooding incident that led to the death of three IAS aspirants. The list of the people arrested in the case included businessman and YouTuber Manuj Kathuria who was driving his SUV through the waterlogged street on Saturday, causing the water to swell and breach the gates of the three-storey Rau’s IAS Study Circle building and inundate the basement.
Following the case investigation and proceedings, Kathuria was arrested and remanded to 14-day judicial custody. However, this big move by the state in the Delhi coaching class deaths case left many people take to social media, addressing it to be an unfair legal call.
"Delhi authorities should be ashamed..."
"Roads are meant for driving. My husband was driving the car at a normal speed... Delhi Police to the judiciary, they all should be ashamed of doing this," his wife Shima said while speaking to news agency ANI.
X users question Kathuria's arrest, call it 'unfair'
Several people backed Kathuria on the internet and blamed the Delhi government's decision to arrest him unfair.
"It's unfair to arrest the car driver Manuj Kathuria for this accident," X users wrote while reacting to this matter. "The Manuj Kathuria incident feels like a direct attack on the common people," another expressed while sharing their views on the legal action taken against the YouTuber.
Terming the state's decision to arrest and punish Kathuria as 'Madness,' journalist Deepika Bhardwaj questioned "How's this man remotely responsible for those deaths? He was just driving to his home..." "This is how state can screw you over for no fault of yours to hide its own incompetence, corruption and greed...And he has been sent to judicial custody just to pacify outrage," she added in her X post.
Who is Manuj Kathuria?
Manuj Kathuria, who is currently under arrest and sent to judicial custody for driving past Delhi coaching centre, is identified as a 50-year-old businessman and YouTuber residing in the Rajinder Nagar area of the national capital.
Kathuria holds a Force Gurkha registered in Himachal Pradesh, which he was driving during the incident. He is a popular name on YouTube, especially for those interested in automobile and adventure. He started his channel there in 2014 and so far as uploaded 49 videos. He enjoys a stunning count of 8.23K subscribers on YouTube.