The 'Kulhad Pizza' couple's sex video leaked and went viral last year, leaving Sehaj Arora and Gurpreet Kaur disturbed. Months after their explicit video widely circulated on the internet, Arora and Kaur opened up on what they went through in a YouTube. During their conversation with podcaster Namit Chawla, the Kulhad Pizza couple spoke about their journey and struggles they faced in the recent past.
"Dushman Bhi Aisi Waqt Se Na Guzre..."
"When I have to address that phase of my life, I still get goosebumps. I ask God to not give any person such a situation, not even my enemy, with what we went through (Wo waqt aisa tha na ki mein chahta hu ki Bhagwan kabhi kisi ke upar na leke aaye. Mera dushman bhi aur duniya mein kisi par b aisa waqt na aaye jisse hum guzre hai. Vo time ko explain kar paana toh mere aaj bhi rongte khade ho jaate hai)," Sehaj Arora said during their interaction with the anchor on The Namit Show.
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What 'Kulhad Pizza' Couple Went Through
Kaur mentioned how the leaked video turned their life and adversely affected them. "Festivals went on, but we weren't in a state to celebrate them. After baby's birth, it was our first Lohri which is usually very special, but we didn't celebrate. We let it go," the wife notes while breaking into tears during the interview. She also mentioned how the couple dreamt during her pregnancy to celebrate occasions with joy as they welcomed their little one, but their life took a drastic turn with the sex video leak. "People can't digest our happiness," added Sahej.
The couple also mentioned that they prefer to keep their child indoors, fearing society's reaction and unwanted publicity he may get. They pointed out that they take their son Waris out of home only for vaccination and avoid bringing him out in the public.
Based in Jalandhar, Arora and Kaur rose to fame in 2022 for their unique pizzas. In 2023, shortly after the couple welcomed their baby, their sex tape leaked online. The couple then told the media that the footage was morphed and made with reference to an extortion bid they received on Instagram.