In a chilling incident, a giant crocodile was seen roaming on the roads of Chennai on Sunday night. It surfaced amidst the floods resulting in the city and its neighbourhood under the impact of the cyclonic storm Michuang. The instance of spotting the reptile near Nedungundram Lake was recorded on a camera. The video which has surfaced online showed a biker travelling close to the mugger crocodile.
Check out the chilling footage:
Authority asks people to not panic
Taking note of the viral video, Supriya Sahu IAS, Tamil Nadu Additional Chief Secretary (Environment Climate Change & Forests), addressed people on Twitter (now known as X) and asked them to not panic. She also informed that the wildlife division was alerted of the accident.
Wildlife alerted for action
Educating the public about the crocodile, she wrote, "These are shy elusive animals and avoid human contact. This one has come out as the water has overflown due to massive rains under the impact of #CycloneMichuang please do not go close to water bodies. There is no possibility of harm to humans IF these animals are left alone & UNPROVOKED."
Cyclone Michaung in Chennai
As predicted, Cyclone Michaung hit the north Tamilnadu coasts about 110 km east-northeast of Chennai. The city witnessed heavy rainfall and waterlogging due to the cyclonic storm in the Bay of Bengal. The weather conditions affected transportation in the city and its neighbourhood.