Athulya Ashokan, an Instagram influencer has gone viral amidst the upcoming release The Kerala Story. What's the connection? The internet noticed that Athulya who often posted images and videos of her traditionally dressed with a bindi, holy ash and the kumkum, had suddenly embraced a hijab after marrying a Muslim man.
The Kerala-based influencer's latest post updated her marital status and announced that she tied the knot with a man named Risal Mansoor.
The inter-caste marriage was not the only reason to pull the attention of netizens towards the case, but it was how Athulya turned Alia that raised eyebrows. Alia, who? Athulya allegedly converted her religion to Islam and became Alia after her wedding with Mansoor.
The wedding card of the Hindu-Muslim couple read: ""Welcome to our beginning... Risal Mansoor & Alia."
Also, the pictures that were shot on their special day and shared on Instagram by the bride showed the celebration being attended and surrounded by hijab-clad female guests. This struck her fans and followers to wonder whether
Meanwhile, Athulya Ashokan's marriage created buzz amidst the release of The Kerala Story, the movie which is set to the plot narrating the story of a group of women from Kerala who are converted to Islam and join the extremist Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). As Athulya posted her pictures from the nikaah, the comments section termed her "love story" to have a love jihad angle and said it to be an indication of The Kerala Story.
Athulya's case was tweeted by several people to stand with the film and its concept. "People who think #TheKeralaStory is a myth, here is the live example for you. Meet Athulya Ashokan from Kerala who is Alia now after converting to Islam," said a Twitter user.
"People who are saying that The Kerala Story is a made up story then please visit Atulya Ashokan(5 lakhs+ followers).Her wedding pictures are full of non Hindus, her maximum friends are Non Hindus," tweeted another.
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