Star grappler Vinesh Phogat clinched a gold medal in 55 kg category at the Senior National Wrestling Championships 2024 in Jaipur on Sunday after returning from a 16-month break. In 2022, Vinesh last took part in the World Championships in Belgrade, where she won bronze. However, after a knee injury, she had to miss the last Asian Games, as per
The two-time World Championships bronze medallist took just two minutes to defeat Jyoti and won the 55kg category at the National Wrestling Championships 2024. In August 2023, the star wrestler went through knee surgery and came back to training in December.
Anshu Malik clinches gold in the women's 59kg category:
On the other hand, the 2021 World Championships and 2022 Commonwealth Games silver medallist Anshu Malik sealed a gold medal in the women's 59kg category after winning against four-time Asian medalist Sarita Mor by 8-3.
Meanwhile, Nirmala, the 2010 Asian Championships and Commonwealth Games medalist, claimed victory against Neelam to bag the 50kg category gold medal.
At the Senior National Wrestling Championships 2024, competitions were held across 10 different weight divisions. Six - 50kg, 53kg, 57kg, 62kg, 68kg and 76kg - are Olympic categories while four - 55kg, 59kg, 65kg and 72 kg - are non-Olympic divisions.