Indian athlete Priyanka Goswami has copped flak from the netizens after a new reel of hers surfaced on social media, especially having fared poorly in the 20 KM race walk, finishing at 41 out of 45 in the Paris 2024 Olympics. With the Indian government arranging air-conditioners for the athletes amid humid conditions in Paris, the 28-year-old faced criticism for making a reel relating to that, having performed poorly.
Goswami qualified for the Paris Olympics after meeting the requisite mark during Indian Open National Race walking competition in Racing in February 2023. She came in with a promising reputation, having won the Indian Racewalking championship in 2021, thereby earning qualification in the Tokyo Olympics that year.
With Goswami's reel surfacing on social media, netizens remarked that athletes like her spend more time making reels than practising on the field. A few also pointed out how these people are wasting the tax payers' money.
Here's how netizens reacted to Priyanka Goswami's reel:
India's shooting contingent stands out in the Paris 2024 Olympics:
Meanwhile, India's shooting contingent have been the standout candidates thus far. 22-year-old Manu Bhaker has clinched two bronze in the women's 10m Air Pistol event and did one in the 10m Air Pistol mixed team event alongside Sarabjot Singh.
Swapnil Kusale also won bronze in the 50m Air Rifle shooting 3P. On Saturday, Baker narrowly missed out on a hat-trick of medals as she finished 4th in the women's 25m Air Pistol final.