During the IPL 2023 match on Sunday, Gujarat Titans' fast bowler Yash Dayal found himself on the receiving end of Kolkata Knight Riders' batter Rinku Singh's exceptional batting skills. Dayal conceded five sixes on the last five balls of the match, causing his team to lose a game they had almost won.
Happens even to big players
While Rinku played an outstanding innings to lead KKR to victory, Dayal was visibly disappointed with himself for his inability to defend 29 runs in the final over. Recently, in an interview, Yash's father Chandrapal, who was also a fast bowler in the Vizzy Trophy during the late 80s, shared what he said to his son after the disappointing performance.
"'Ghabraana nahi (Don't get scared)'. I then said: 'This is not some new thing in cricket. Bowlers getting hit. It has happened to big bowlers. Just do hard work, see where you made mistakes, but remember this is not the first time it has happened in cricket. Big players like Malinga, Stuart Broad have gone through the situation," said Chendrapal in an interview to The Indian Express.
'He can become a touch numb'
Chandarpal Dayal was concerned for his son and told some of their relatives, who went to watch the match, to go and speak to the cricketer.
"I told them to go and motivate him. Pick-up his morale. He would be understandably depressed. Please go. He speaks very little. He is an introvert, and in such situations, he can become a touch numb,"
"I have been a cricketer, but being a father, mother is something else. I did get a bit depressed, 'kyun hua, kaise hua... (why it happened, how it happened), the mind was in a loop, worried for my son."
Scintillating end to the match
In a thrilling IPL 2023 match, Kolkata Knight Riders required 29 runs in the last over to secure a victory against Gujarat Titans. The responsibility to defend these runs fell on the shoulders of Gujarat Titans' fast bowler Umesh Yadav, who bowled the first ball of the over to KKR's batsman Rinku Singh.
Yadav took a single on the second ball, which gave Rinku the strike for the remaining five balls. What followed was an extraordinary display of power-hitting from Rinku as he smashed five consecutive sixes to lead his team to an incredible victory on the last ball of the match.
Initially, the first two sixes from Rinku seemed to be merely consolatory. However, the left-handed batsman continued his assault, sending each ball sailing over the boundary line with ease. With every hit, Rinku instilled a sense of hope and belief in his teammates that they could pull off an unlikely win.
The spectators and Gujarat Titans could hardly believe what was happening on the ground as Rinku secured a nearly impossible victory with his magnificent batting display. It was a match that will be remembered for Rinku's heroic performance and the thrilling finish that left everyone in awe.