Seven-time Formula 1 world champion, Lewis Hamilton, is collaborating with Apple Studios to produce an untitled F1 movie. The film, which will be directed by Joseph Kosinski and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, features a script that Hamilton is helping to develop.
What is the movie's name, and the plot about?
The upcoming movie, which is still untitled, centers around the story of a retired Formula One driver who returns to the sport to mentor a younger driver. The lead role will be played by Brad Pitt, according to information on IMDB.
Initially, the movie was rumoured to be called "Go Like Hell," but that was when Tom Cruise was associated with the project. Since then, the name of the film has not been officially confirmed.
Although Cruise is no longer involved in the production, he has reportedly expressed a willingness to do some driving for the movie. It's unclear whether he will have a significant role in the film, or if it will simply be a cameo appearance.
Who is making the film?
Lewis Hamilton's newly founded production company, Dawn Apollo Films, is behind the making of the upcoming F1 movie, alongside Apple studios.
The film will be directed by Joseph Kosinski, who directed the recent blockbuster "Top Gun: Maverick. Jerry Bruckheimer, the producer of both "Top Gun" movies and the NASCAR hit "Days of Thunder," will also produce this movie.
Some of the technology used in making "Top Gun: Maverick" will also be utilized in the F1 movie.
Hamilton on film production
Lewis Hamilton, who finished 6th at the Miami Grand Prix, was quoted by The Race while talking about the film.
“I don’t know absolutely every single plan with all the things we’ll be doing in the paddock, I’m more focused on making sure the script is where it needs to be,” he said in Miami on Thursday.
“That’s where all the time is currently, going through the script.
“We’ve got a really great and diverse cast. Joe’s focus is to make us as embedded in this sport as possible. For me it’s to make sure it’s authentic, and that all of you and racing fans see its authenticity and say ‘this is believable’, and have a view of racing from a different perspective than you might see on TV.
“I’m spending a lot of time right now helping Joe and the team get the script right, it’s an amazing process and I’m really enjoying it.”