The question of security at the Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar Police Commissionerate (CP) has once again come to the fore as two groups violently clashed with each other at the CP Office on Thursday afternoon. A few days back, a man vandalised the CP Office by breaking the glass of the window and the glass of a car in the CP office. The incident today has raised security concerns at the police headquarters.
According to the details, a man had come to submit an application at the CP Office on Thursday. He submitted an application to the CP regarding an old dispute at the Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University (BAMU). When he was returning, some people along with a local leader Nagraj Gaikwad and one lady came to the entrance and stopped the man at the entrance. The group later started beating him. There was a violent clash between the two groups. The police rushed to the spot and gained control over the situation.
Previous incidents
The CP Office is always crowded with people and several incidents concerning safety and security had occurred here earlier. Last year, a woman tried to immolate herself, demanding justice for her. Similarly, a few days back, a man broke the windows with bricks claiming that he was being tortured by the police.
At the same time when the incident occurred, some workers of the BJP had gone to the CP office to meet the Commissioner of Police to submit a memorandum to register a case against Maratha quota stir leader Manoj Jarange Patil and his supporters, claiming that they were creating a rift between two communities. The brawl incident occurred when the delegation was interacting with the media persons. The media persons shot the incident in their cameras.