In a distressing incident reported at the Kondhwa police station, a seemingly minor disagreement among members of the Aliena Living Society on NIBM road on the night of December 26 took a grim turn, resulting in a severe crime and the loss of an eye for one individual. The dispute, which initially revolved around access to the society's gym, involved four individuals, leading to the arrest of one person.
According to police reports, Shweta Sandeep Agarwal lodged a complaint against Rupesh Chavan (35), Sagar Sejul (37), Raju Bindra (40), and Samiul (35). Rupesh Chavan has been apprehended, and Sandeep Agarwal sustained a significant injury, resulting in the loss of an eye and impaired vision.
The complaint details that Sandeep Agarwal and his wife visited the society's gym, where Rupesh Chavan objected to their entry, alleging that they were not gym members and that the facility was not meant for residents of A wing and B wing who had not paid maintenance fees.
The seemingly trivial dispute escalated into a violent altercation, and amid the confrontation, one of the accused restrained Sandeep Agarwal's husband and subjected him to a brutal assault. Rupesh Chavan, wielding a blunt object, inflicted a serious injury to the victim's eye.
Senior Police Inspector Santosh Sonewane remarked, "A case has been registered against four individuals under IPC sections 324 (voluntarily causing hurt with a dangerous weapon), 352 (assault), 504 (intentional insult), 506 (criminal intimidation), and 34 (criminal act). One person has been arrested in connection with this incident, and we are actively pursuing the investigation.