Former Chief Minister and Shiv Sena (UBT) Chief Uddhav Thackeray stated on Tuesday that there are no differences within the Maha Vikas Aghadi, and seat sharing among the allies for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections will be finalized in the next two to three days.
Thackeray, who has been touring the districts of Nanded, Hingoli, and Yeotmal since Monday, addressed a convention of Shiv Sena party activists in Pimpalgaon, Ardhapur taluka, Nanded district, on Tuesday.
Speaking to the party workers, he remarked, "The Lok Sabha elections will be challenging for the Maha Vikas Aghadi, but it will not be easy for the BJP either. The Modi factor does not hold sway in Maharashtra; instead, people vote in the name of Thackeray. Therefore, the BJP, Modi, and Shah have aligned with a leader named Thackeray." Uddhav Thackeray criticized his estranged cousin Raj Thackeray without explicitly mentioning his name. He alleged that the BJP is engaged in the unsavory politics of dismantling political parties.