Chemical engineer Arvind Kumar Prakashchandra Lohare shared the formula for producing mephedrone (MD) with Lalit Patil during their time in Yerawada Jail, police officials told the court on Friday. Subsequently, Lalit's brother, Bhushan, initiated the establishment of a mephedrone manufacturing facility in Nashik, the officials added.
Currently, Lohare is incarcerated in Yerawada Jail, awaiting investigation for his role in this illicit operation. Meanwhile, Lalit is in the custody of the Mumbai Police following his apprehension in Chennai on Tuesday night, after escaping from Pune’s Sassoon General Hospital on October 2, where he was reportedly receiving treatment for tuberculosis.
Furthermore, the police custody of Bhushan Patil and Abhishek Balakawade, initially set to conclude on Friday, has been extended until Sunday.
Additionally, two more individuals associated with Lalit have been identified in connection with the drug trafficking case. They are Zeeshan Shaikh and Rohan, also known as Golu Ansari, currently detained in Yerwada and Taloja jails, respectively. Authorities have indicated that they will also undergo an investigation regarding their involvement in this matter.