Pune City Police have enacted a series of prohibitory orders designed to uphold a peaceful atmosphere within the confines of Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU). These regulations will remain in force from November 7 to November 21 and have been imposed under Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC).
These orders encompass a range of restrictions aimed at ensuring tranquillity and averting disturbances on the university campus. The prohibitions include activities such as chanting slogans, conducting demonstrations, gathering crowds, permitting non-affiliated individuals, including students or SPPU staff, onto the university premises, and more.
The decision to implement these orders was made to address disruptions caused by individuals not related to the university and to preempt conflicts among students. Before issuing the orders, the police held discussions with the SPPU registrar and other officials to address the situation necessitating these measures.
Recent incidents prompted the Chatushrungi police to file two separate cases against distinct student groups for physical altercations. Furthermore, various groups and their members had fomented unrest on SPPU's grounds, disturbing the peace. According to law enforcement, those responsible for disrupting the tranquil campus environment had no affiliation with SPPU.
These prohibitory orders prohibit gatherings of individuals on university property and in its immediate vicinity, except for students and SPPU staff. The directives also disallow various groups from delivering speeches or shouting slogans on the university grounds. Additionally, the use of loudspeakers has been banned as part of these measures. The police have taken these actions to restore and uphold a peaceful atmosphere at SPPU during the specified period.