Guardian Minister Chandrakant Patil on Sunday announced the establishment of a state-of-the-art dance complex at Savitribai Phule Pune University, aimed at conserving and promoting the art of dance. The project will be funded by the Higher Education Department of the state, SPPU, and Pune District Planning Committee to support and nurture the cultural heritage of dance in Indian society.
Nrutya Rohini Mahotsav
Minister Patil also shared plans for the organization of an annual program -Nrutya Rohini Mahotsav- dedicated to dancers, inspired by the prestigious Sawai Gandharva Bhimsen Mahotsav. He further noted the significance of the renowned Sawai Gandharva Festival in Pune, which attracts classical singers from both national and international backgrounds. Similarly, the new dance complex will offer a fresh avenue for dance artists to showcase their artistry. The inaugural Nrutya Rohini Mahotsav is scheduled for December 2023, and Minister Patil expressed optimism about the overwhelming response it will receive from dance enthusiasts.
He was speaking at an event organised on occasion of renowned dance guru Manisha Sathe's 70th birthday at Yashwantrao Chavan Auditorium.
Minister Patil addressed the gathering, joined by Vidyavachaspati Shankar Abhyankar, dance guru Shama Bhate, Sucheta Chapekar, acclaimed singer Aarti Ankalikar Tikekar, and other distinguished personalities from the arts community.
Highlighting Pune as the cultural capital of the region, Patil emphasized the presence of numerous talented artists and dance maestros in the city. To cater to the growing demand for a dedicated platform to promote dance, the decision was made to establish a dance complex at SPPU.
The proposed dance complex will occupy five acres of land, with an estimated budget of Rs. 225 crores. The first phase will receive Rs. 25 crores from District Planning Committee, while the remaining funds will be allocated in subsequent phases through Higher Education Department and SPPU. This initiative aims to provide a rightful platform for classical dance enthusiasts from India and around the world.