Pune: A massive fire broke out at a mandap material godown in the Gangadham area of Bibvewadi in Pune on Sunday morning. The fire quickly spread to 20 adjacent godowns, creating a large plume of smoke visible in the sky. Firefighting efforts have been underway for the past two hours, with no injuries reported thus far.
Fire Broke Out In the Morning
The fire originated at around 9 am on Sunday morning in a godown at Aimata in Gangadham. The Pune Fire Brigade received the information at 8:55 am and dispatched fire brigade vehicles to the scene promptly. The first godown to catch fire was the mandap godown, and it quickly spread to three neighboring warehouses.
Efforts to Control the Blaze
The area houses approximately 20 to 30 godowns, and fire brigade officials and staff are working diligently to prevent the fire from spreading further. Despite ongoing efforts, the fire has not been brought under control even after more than two hours. The intense blaze has engulfed 20 godowns containing various materials, exacerbating the challenge for firefighters.
Firefighting Operations
A total of 22 fire tenders from the Pune Fire Brigade and the Pune Metropolitan Region Development Authority (PMRDA) are at the scene, actively engaged in extinguishing the fire. The dedicated teams continue their arduous work to bring the situation under control and prevent further damage.
No Reported Injuries
Fortunately, no injuries have been reported in connection with the fire. The swift response of the fire brigade and the absence of people in the affected godowns likely contributed to this fortunate outcome.