Pune and its neighboring regions were drenched by heavy rains, accompanied by thunder and lightning, on both Tuesday and Wednesday. These weather conditions are expected to persist into Thursday, coinciding with the Ganpati Visarjan festival.
Anupam Kashyapi, the head of the weather forecasting division at the India Meteorological Department (IMD) in Pune, confirmed the presence of cloud cover, notably Cumulonimbus (Cb) clouds, in the region.
He stated, "These clouds have brought with them rainfall accompanied by thunder and lightning of varying intensities, ranging from moderate to intense." Kashyapi further emphasised the importance of residents staying informed through impact-based advisories and taking necessary precautions given these conditions.
The anticipated impacts of this weather event encompass localised road flooding, waterlogging in low-lying areas, and the potential closure of underpasses, particularly within urban zones affected by heavy rainfall.
Furthermore, the monsoon's withdrawal has been delayed across the country this year, with Pune expected to witness the monsoon's withdrawal around October 5 if weather patterns align with the schedule.