Pune Police is set to employ cutting-edge technology in crime detection by implementing an "AI-based Face Recognition" system. With nearly 2,880 sophisticated cameras to be installed across the city, this move aims to identify and apprehend wanted criminals not only locally but also at the state and national levels.
"Implementation of CCTV cameras with a face recognition system is underway in the city, aiming to apprehend wanted criminals. The initial phase involves a pilot test, with plans to extend the coverage to over 2500 cameras across Pune," stated Commissioner of Police, Ritesh Kumar.
The initiative, funded and approved, marks a stride towards Pune's smart city goals, addressing challenges posed by technologically advanced criminals who often evade capture by relocating. The Face Recognition system, integrated into CCTV cameras, will be strategically placed in crowded areas like bus terminals and railway stations, enhancing crime prevention and aiding swift action against offenders.
Database of criminal records
This development is especially crucial in metropolitan areas like Mumbai and Pune, where crime rates are high. The implementation of such advanced systems aligns with the evolving landscape of criminal activities, offering law enforcement a powerful tool to counteract these challenges. The move is expected to mitigate risks in densely populated spaces, such as stations, where criminal incidents like mobile thefts and pickpocketing frequently occur.
Additionally, the system addresses the broader security concern of potential terrorist threats in crowded areas. Simultaneously, the existing Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and System (CCTNS) provides a comprehensive database of criminal records, facilitating efficient tracking and identification of offenders. This strategic integration of technology is poised to enhance law enforcement capabilities and bolster public safety in Pune.
Here's how it will work
The "Face Recognition System" will utilise CCTV cameras to capture the facial features of every individual within its surveillance range. In the event of a match with the criminal or suspect database maintained by Pune Police, the control room will promptly receive information, enabling swift and targeted action at the identified location.