Deputy Chief Minister and Finance Minister, Ajit Pawar, announced on Thursday that the Union Ministry of Labour has approved a 100-bed hospital in Baramati. However, he said that considering the future requirements of the growing industrial estate plans for a 200-bed hospital are in the pipeline and will be submitted for approval. Pawar instructed the allocation of additional land needed for this expansion through the Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC).
In a meeting addressing the demands of the Baramati Industrial Estate Association held at Mantralaya under Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar's leadership, key attendees included Industries Minister Uday Samant, President of Baramati Industrial Estate Association Dhananjay Jamdar, and officials from various departments.
Ajit Pawar stressed the necessity of a 200-bed hospital and directed the swift submission of a proposal to the Central Government through the Employees' State Insurance Corporation (ESIC). Acknowledging the demand for more space, he mandated the allocation of additional land through MIDC.
Pawar addressed concerns of entrepreneurs
Ajit Pawar also recommend proposing the establishment of a dry port in the region to the central government. He urged the timely provision of modern machinery for the fire station in Baramati MIDC. Addressing concerns of entrepreneurs, Pawar assured a strategic decision to eliminate the burden of stamp duty on the higher valuation rate.
Furthermore, Pawar advocated repurposing the unused hall of MIDC in Baramati Industrial Estate through a long-term contract with the Baramati Industrial Estate Association.
To address the grievances of small-scale entrepreneurs in MIDC, he called for electricity supply through express feeders. Pawar also directed expediting the setup of electricity substations at Dhakali and Udale and suggested that MIDC fund this project independently. The allocated funds would later be returned to the Industries Department through the Energy Department. Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar urged officials to discuss and make positive decisions on the organisation's other demands.