In the wake of the upcoming Lok Sabha polls, a shocking crime unfolded in Dhule where police busted a racket of fake voter cards. Acting on confidential information received, the local crime branch raided a photo studio in suburban Mohadi and seized fake voter cards and materials used to make these fake IDs. They also apprehended two suspects in this case.
According to the information provided by the police, the accused Vinod Garud (resident of Gaikwad Chowk, Dhule) was running this racket with the help of Suryakant Kokani, who owns Suryoday photo studio in Mohadi. The duo used to take money from people and make fake voter cards with random voter numbers.
The police found 14 such fake voter cards during the raid. They also seized materials used in making these fake cards, including photo paper, a computer, printer, and mobile.
A case has been registered regarding this matter against Suryakant Kokane and Vinod Garud in Mohadi police station. Police are also trying to identify the 14 people whose fake voter cards were found during the raid.