In a heartwarming initiative aimed at supporting underprivileged children, Raja Narayanlal Lahoti English School, run by Shri Marwadi Rajasthan Shikshan Sanstha Latur, distributed educational aids on Saturday to needy and underprivileged kids at Majha Ghar, an ashram started by a dedicated couple, Sharad and Sangeeta Zare.
Majha Ghar, located near Budhoda village in Ausa tehsil, provides shelter and support to children in need, creating a nurturing environment for their growth and development. The couple has created a haven for underprivileged children to educate them and make them self-reliant, and they are now proud parents to 55 children.
As part of this noble cause, educational aids including notebooks, pens, pads, T-shirts, and fruits were handed out to the children on behalf of RNLES. The initiative was part of a series of events carried out by the school to observe the Smriti Day of Raja Narayanlal Lahoti, educationist and former president of Shri Marwadi Rajasthan Shikshan Sanstha. The initiative was taken by Vinod Chavan, Shailendra Dawale, Sunil Munale, Amol Deshmukh, Amit Honmale, and Vivek Dongare under the guidance of principal Col. Srinivasulu and registrar Pravin Shivangikar.
Sharad and Sangeeta Zare, the founders of Majha Ghar, expressed their heartfelt gratitude for the school's generous support. They highlighted the significant positive impact such contributions have on the children's lives, enhancing their educational journey and overall well-being.
This initiative reflects the school's ongoing commitment to making a difference in the community by empowering children through education and support. The Raja Narayanlal Lahoti English School continues to set an inspiring example of how educational institutions can contribute to societal welfare and upliftment.