In an extraordinary incident on Tuesday, a woman gave birth to a baby in a moving ambulance. Kranti Janjire, a 20-year-old woman originally from Nanded and presently residing in Ranjangaon Shenpunji, experienced severe labour pains around 5pm. Due to her critical condition, her family tried to arrange a private ambulance. However, after an extensive search, they had to resort to calling the government ambulance.
Mangalsingh Rathod, the driver of the ambulance, received the call about a woman in labour. Along with a doctor and an attendant in the ambulance, they reached the Waluj area and picked up Janjire from Kamlapur Phata at Ranjangaon Shenpunji. As they covered some distance, Janjire experienced unbearable pain, prompting Rathod to park the ambulance on the roadside.
Dr Sushil Raut and the attendant promptly took action, facilitating the birth of a baby girl in the ambulance. Both the mother and the newborn were in stable condition, bringing immense relief to the family and relatives. After providing initial aid, the mother and the baby were transported to the Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH) for further treatment.