As many as 5,759 criminal cases were registered in the Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar Police Commissionerate jurisdiction from January 1 to December 20, 2023, of which 4,647 cases have been resolved, informed Commissioner of Police Manoj Lohiya.
He addressed a press conference held at the police commissionerate on Wednesday, with DCP Nitin Bagate, DCP Navneet Kawat, DCP Aparna Gitay, and other officers present.
Lohiya noted that there are 17 police stations under the CP jurisdiction, with 5,759 cases registered in a year, covering offenses like murder, attempt to murder, culpable homicide, rape, robbery, attempt to robbery, forcibly thefts, burglary, thefts, and others. The police succeeded in solving 4,647 cases, achieving a solving percentage of 78%.
Stolen valuables worth Rs. 17,97,80,710 were recovered
Out of 29 reported murder cases, the police resolved all. Stolen valuables worth Rs. 17,97,80,710 were recovered, amounting to Rs. 6,27,30,697, Lohiya mentioned.
The police administration implemented various safety measures and technology, including the 'Nitron' app for instant information on wanted criminals. A command and control center, employing auto recognition, red-light violation, face recognition, and mobile cameras, is active. A proposal for drone usage for city vigilance is under consideration.
Efforts to enhance the conviction rate resulted in an increase from 13 percent to 18 percent this year. The police administration is committed to improving policing and communication with the public, with further improvement opportunities, Lohiya added.