Ashok Sripati Gaikwad, a 52-year-old weights and measures inspector from Srirampur, was apprehended by the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) while accepting a bribe of ₹10,000. The bribe was solicited in exchange for conducting the annual inspection of a petrol pump and issuing a stamping certificate. A case has been registered at Loni Police Station in connection with this incident.
The ACB took action based on a complaint filed by the manager of the Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil Cooperative Truck Transport Society, Pravaranagar. The society operates a petrol pump on behalf of Bharat Petroleum Company. Gaikwad demanded a bribe from the complainant. Following the complaint, a verification was conducted on January 29 at the petrol pump operated by the organisation in Pravaranagar. Gaikwad initially demanded a bribe of ₹12,000 but later settled for ₹10,000. During a trap set by the authorities at the pump, Gaikwad was caught red-handed accepting the bribe.
The successful trap operation was carried out by the ACB unit in Ahmednagar. The complainant, a 42-year-old from Kolhar Budruk, reported the incident.