Jagdish Mulik, the city president of BJP, has urged Pune residents to join in the public broadcast of the 100th episode of "Mann Ki Baat" at various locations throughout the city.
With the program set to be telecast at 1,000 locations across the country, Mulik has emphasized the significance of the event for all Indian citizens. The release of a special commemorative Rs 100 coin to mark the occasion has further highlighted the importance of this milestone in the country's history.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi started addressing people via the 'Mann Ki Baat' broadcast on Akashvani in 2014 to reach out to people in an effective way. It will complete 100 episodes on April 30.
"Mann Ki Baat" has expanded its reach over the years, now being translated into 23 Indian languages and 29 dialects. The program has covered a wide range of topics, including weather, environment, cleanliness, social issues, and even examinations.