Thane: A major fire broke out at a wooden godown in Bhiwandi, during the wee hours on Monday. The incident led to huge damage of machinery and wood materials in the godown. However, no injury or casualty was reported in this incident.
"The incident took place in the godown Uamaya Swomill factory, located at Gove village which falls on Kalyan-Bhiwandi road. Fortunately, no workers were present at the time of incident, or it would have led to an untoward incident," said a fire official from Bhiwandi.
The exact reason behind the fire is not yet disclosed. According to the official, the fire led to huge loss and damage of the equipment and wood materials stalked in the godown. As the fire spread immensely within a short time span, it lead to a huge smoke around the factory area.
"The fire which was spread into the godown, damaging all machinery and wood materials was brought under the control after 4 hours by the fire brigade team of Bhiwandi and Kalyan-Dombivli," added official.
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