In a shocking incident in Maharashtra’s Buldhana, a Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) leader beat up a woman inside the city’s police station. Shiv Sena (UBT) spokesperson Sushma Andhare shared the CCTV footage of the incident on social media and mentioned the name of the local BJP leader as Shiva Tayde, who is also Malkapur agricultural committee’s chairman, she said.
In the video shared by Andhare on Tuesday morning, it can be seen a couple sitting on a bench and the BJP leader Tayde slaps the woman and continues to beat her up until the police officers stop him. Later, a middle-aged woman also tries to stop the leader from the violence. The video further shows the leader and a lady sitting in front of the police officer discussing a matter in high voice. The leader then gets up in a rage. It is not clear what exactly the matter was, why the couple and the BJP leader had reached the police station.
Sushma Andhare also targeted the Deputy Chief Minister and Home Minister Devendra Fadnavis taunted on the law and order situation.