Mumbai: Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on Saturday participated in a cleanliness drive at the famous Juhu Beach in Mumbai under the newly launched Deep Clean Drive of Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC). Eknath Shinde participated in the cleanliness drive to pay tribute to the Father of the Nation - Mahatma Gandhi.
Maharashtra CM Eknath Shinde was also seen driving a tractor
Maharashtra CM Eknath Shinde was also seen driving a tractor during the cleanliness at Juhu Beach. However, netizens are trolling the Chief Minister and sharing pics of Juhu Beach which is claimed to be a day older and the Beach is seen already clean.
Why did he feel the need to deep-clean Juhu Beach
The netizens are asking Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, if the beach was already clean, then why did he feel the need to deep-clean Juhu Beach today? One of the users has shared the pics of Juhu Beach and claimed that the pic was taken on Friday (December 08). It can be seen in pics that the Beach is clean and there was no need for a cleanliness drive at the beach.
The cleanliness drive is a Political Stunt?
Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde launching and participating in the cleanliness drive is now claimed to be a political stunt. Shinde was seen riding the tractor and cleaning the beach which was already clean. Eknath Shinde said, BMC has taken up a 'Deep Clean Drive' as directed by him for a pollution-free and clean, beautiful Mumbai.
He inspected the cleanliness by running the beach cleaning machine himself
He started the cleanliness campaign by offering garlands to the statue of Mahatma Gandhi at Juhu Chowpatty. On this occasion, the Chief Minister inspected the cleanliness by running the beach cleaning machine himself.