The Panvel City police have arrested a 31-year-old man from Pune who was allegedly involved in several auto-rickshaw theft cases. Two cases of auto rickshaw theft have been solved, claimed the police. The accused was identified as Sunil Chavan, and was arrested at Bus Stand Chowki, Shivaji Nagar, Pune.
Police laid trap to nab the accused
According to police, a case of theft was registered after a rickshaw worth ₹40,000 was stolen from Savarkar Chowk. Similarly, another rickshaw worth ₹25,000 was also stolen in the adjoining area in Panvel. “We have seized two auto rickshaws from the accused,” said police.
Under the guidance of Senior Police Inspector Nitin Thackeray, the team of Saponi Prakash Pawar, Pohwa Suryakant Kudavkar, Pona Mahesh Patil, Pona Amol Pralhad Patil, Pona Ashok Rathod, Poshi Dahije started the investigation.
With the help of technical analysis, the accused was traced in Pune. A trap was laid and he was arrested at Bus Stand Chowki, Shivaji Nagar, Pune. The accused Chavan confessed to stealing a rickshaw during interrogation.