Mumbai: The Western Railway (WR) has successfully completed the work of dismantling and de-launching the Gokhale Road Over Bridge (ROB) girders in the railway portion and all the machinery has been shifted. The WR handed over the entire site to BMC on Saturday, well before the target date of March 31, 2023, for construction of the new ROB.
It is pertinent to mention that Gokhale ROB at Andheri was closed for road traffic by the municipal authorities on November 7, 2022, and is being rebuilt by the BMC. Only the dismantling work of the railway portion of Gokhale bridge was handed over to Western Railway. The work on the railway portion was completed by WR on war footing by undertaking traffic blocks.
West side of the bride was earlier handed over to BMC
The dismantling activity of the west side of the bridge was completed in all respects by WR and handed over to BMC on March 16, 2023. During the recent block undertaken on March 11 and 12, 2023, the de-launching of all the 16 steel girders and dismantling of two spans on the east side of the ROB was completed.
Further, after the completion of few ancillary works in connection with the dismantling works including the dismantling of the east side abutment, the east side of the ROB has also been handed over to BMC. With this, the entire site has now been handed over to BMC for construction of a new ROB including the Railway portion.