Mumbai: After receiving the report, the Mumbai traffic police launched a strict operation against e-bike riders, specifically those working for food delivery apps, for breaking different traffic regulations. During a special operation from August 9 to August 11, 221 e-bike riders were penalised under the Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita by traffic police, who also confiscated 290 e-bikes.
Stats Declared
There are claims that e-bike users do not wear helmets, exceed the vehicle's weight capacity, drive aggressively significantly above the speed limit, and pass auto rickshaws, known for reckless driving. E-bikers disregard traffic lights and are hard to hold responsible for accidents due to their lack of registration, as they believe traffic rules don't apply to them.
In addition to that, the authorities issued fines to 272 e-bike riders for going in the opposite direction, 491 for disregarding signals, 252 for entering restricted areas, and charged 161 riders for breaching civil acts, making a total of 1176 riders penalised. Fines totalling Rs 1.63 lakh were collected from 1,176 violators.
Police Take Action
The traffic police will contact food app services to enquire about their strategies for addressing the issue. The Mumbai Traffic Police cracked down on 221 e-bike riders, including food delivery app riders, for traffic violations during a special drive from August 9 to August 11 under Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita. 290 e-bikes were confiscated, and 1176 riders were penalised for offences such as riding in the incorrect direction, running red lights, and breaking no-entry regulations, resulting in fines totalling Rs 1.63 lakh.
“The Mumbai traffic division had received numerous complaints regarding traffic violations. It has been observed that e-bike riders, especially food and other delivery app partners, often disregard traffic rules, driving recklessly, jumping signals, and riding on footpaths. These actions not only endanger their own lives but also pose a significant risk to others. In response to this growing concern, the Mumbai Traffic Police has launched this special drive to bring the situation under control and ensure safer roads for everyone,” said a police officer, according to a report by Mid-Day.
Need For Implementing Stricter Laws
In India, a license is required for electric bikes with motors that produce over 250 watts of power. Additionally, having a driver's license is required if your electric bike can reach speeds exceeding 25 kmph. Electric bicycles with engines of 25 CC or less, equipped with front and rear cargo space, are classified as bicycles. They can go up to 25 kilometers per hour, are not governed by the Motor Vehicles Act or traffic regulations, and do not need a driver's license to operate. The majority of courier companies, gig workers, and delivery personnel opt for e-bikes when moving goods and luggage.