Mumbai: The Special Investigation Team (SIT) investigating the IIT Powai suicide case of 18-year-old Darshan Solanki called in two students for questioning on Monday. One of the students' names had appeared on the alleged note found by the police from Solanki’s hostel room.
The SIT found the note on March 3, with words ‘…has killed me’ written on a question sheet. The note has been sent for forensic analysis and the police are awaiting the results to confirm Solanki’s handwriting.
No concrete information from statements
The other student who was called to record his statement was the one who found Solanki’s body after he allegedly jumped from the seventh floor of his hostel building.
The police informed that they haven’t found any concrete information from the statements of both the students and they are to be called again for questioning in a few days.
Earlier, an accidental death report was registered in the case but an FIR was registered against an unknown person under section 306 (abetment to suicide) of the Indian Penal Code and relevant sections of the Atrocities Act after the note was found.
Solanki’s family and friends have been claiming casteist harassment on campus, while an IIT-B panel that conducted an internal probe did not find any caste-related harassment and said the reason could be his academic performance.