Mumbai woke up to a rainy morning as several areas in the city saw light to moderate rainfall on Monday, June 26. The city has been receiving heavy rainfall since yesterday with several areas reporting traffic snarls on Sunday. The BMC, in a statement to ANI, said, "In the last 24 hours, Mumbai city received 31 mm of rainfall, Eastern Suburbs received 54 mm of rainfall & Western Suburbs received 59 mm of rainfall."
The formation of synoptic conditions like low-pressure area in Bay of Bengal region and cyclonic circulation over Kutch in Gujarat and active trough spread over Maharashtra to coastal Karnataka, the weather agency stated, will be bringing heavy to very heavy showers in the next two days over Konkan including Mumbai and Madhya Maharashtra.
It had earlier sounded a yellow and an 'orange alert' for Mumbai city and surrounding areas respectively.
The IMD has also predicted moderate to heavy rainfall and occasional intense spells for the city and suburbs over the next 48 hours.
No disruptions in services
Mumbai's temperature on Monday morning is 25.8°C, while the humidity is 97%. The weather agency said maximum and minimum temperatures are likely to be around 28°C & 24°C.
As of this morning, no disruptions in BEST bus or local train services have been reported while the traffic is running smoothly so far as the BMC quickly deployed pumps to clear out the accumulated water.
Mumbai AQI
As per the System of Air Quality and Weather Forecasting and Research (SAFAR), the AQI in Mumbai is currently in the 'satisfactory' category, with a reading of 70.
For context, an AQI between 0 and 50 is considered ‘good’, 51 to 100 is ‘satisfactory’, 101 to 200 is ‘moderate’, 201 to 300 ‘poor’, 301 to 400 ‘very poor’, and 401 to 500 ‘severe’.