Mumbai: The special NIA court on Thursday granted temporary bail to advocate Surendra Gadling, an accused in the Elgar Parishad case, to attend the wedding of a close relative in the family for one week from December 25 till January 2.
Gadling had earlier this week approached the special court for interim bail for a wedding in the family which is scheduled in the last week of December. The prosecution objected to the plea. However, the court has granted him interim bail on humanitarian grounds to attend the wedding.
Gadling asked to furnish details of his travel
Gadling is asked to furnish details of his travel from Mumbai after his release to Nagpur and also from Nagpur to Mumbai. He is also asked to give details about where he would stay after his release and also the contact person where he would be contacted anytime.
Besides, he has been asked not to leave the Nagpur city during the said period of one week and also not hamper the evidence and prosecution witnesses.
Gadling and other activists were booked in connection with provocative speeches which were allegedly delivered at the Elgar Parishad conclave held in Pune on December 31, 2017, triggering violence at Koregaon-Bhima in Pune district on the next day on January 1, 2018.