Mumbai: The special PMLA court has refused to grant bail to a staff of Enforcement Directorate (ED) for allegedly leaking information about the movements of investigating officers to the accused.
Arrest Details and Defense Arguments Of Vishal Kudekar
Vishal Kudekar, 23, was booked after he was found divulging secret information pertaining to the investigation against Amar Mulchandani, former chairman of Seva Vikas Cooperative Bank. Kudekar was arrested on March 23, 2023.
Kudekar's lawyer pleaded that he is falsely implicated in the case. It was contended that he had been arrested and taken into custody only on the suspicion that the documents were provided by him to one Bablu Sonkar, a man deployed by Mulchandani to keep a watch on ED's investigation.
Allegations of Senior Officers' Involvement And Objection To Bail Plea
Kudekar also alleged that senior officers Kumar Santhel and others are also involved in the case. However, none of them are arrested. Kudekar alleged that he is being made scapegoat in order to protect the seniors. There is enmity amongst the ED officers. Other 3-4 senior officers are made safe and dropped from the prosecution, Kudekar has contended.
However, the prosecution objected to the bail plea stating, “During scrutiny of the data of his mobile phone, it was found that he had deliberately shared secret documents of ED to Sonkar in order to thwart and mislead the lawful investigation conducted by the ED."