Mumbai: The MHB have arrested four people in connection with making duplicate entry passes for a garba event in Borivali and cheating people. The accused Ashwin Surve, 24, a hotelier from Kandivali East; Shripal Bagdia, 38, a businessman; Sushil Tirlotkar, 30, a driver; and Santosh Gumbare, 35, an employee with a private company, are suspected of defrauding people to the tune of ₹5.14 lakh. The police have confiscated ₹91,000, an Innova car, and an iPhone from them.
CCTV footage and location tracking helped the cops to arrest the suspect. Two of them were arrested on October 18 and another two the next day.
Victim duped of ₹5.14 lakh
On October 12, at 7:40am, on New Link Road, Borivali West, an individual Vishal Shah, along with an accomplice, informed a complainant Nihar Modi, 20 that they had Falguni Pathak’s garba tickets for an event at Chukiwadi, Borivali West. Shah introduced Modi with the four suspects and Modi paid ₹5,14,800 for 156 passes. He was told that he would get the tickets in a few days but as he did not get anything, the complainant filed a case under sections 420 (cheating and dishonestly), 406 (breach of trust), and 34 (act done with a common intention) of the Indian Penal Code.
Surve and Bagdia have been remanded in police custody until Monday, while the other two will be presented in court on Friday. The operation was executed by Police Inspector Sachin Shinde under the guidance of Senior Police Inspector Sudheer Kudalkar.