Mumbai: Two people sustained burn injuries and 12 hutments were gutted after a fire broke out in the Lal Mitti area of Nargis Dutt Nagar in Bandra West on Wednesday morning. The duo – Shahrukh Sayyad, 30, and Sahil Khalid Khan, 19, – were admitted to the civic-run Bhabha Hospital.
The Mumbai Fire Brigade declared the blaze as a level 2 fire. Ten fire engines were rushed to the spot. The fire, which erupted at 4.40am, was confined to electric wiring, electric installation, household articles, clothes, furniture, tarpaulin, etc. The flames were finally doused at 8.03 am.
BJP MLA and city unit chief, Ashish Shelar, tweeted, "Fire at Bandra Nargis Dutt Nagar slum! Fire brigade & police on job ! Doing all necessary for helping the victims family!"
Visuals of the fire surfaced on the internet which showed massive flames flaring and a thick black smoke eminating from the same.
An official, who was part of the firefighting operation, said, “The area is densely populated and we had no place to enter with the fire engine. We parked the vehicle at the nearest spot and dragged the water pipes over the slum roofs and doused the fire. There were cylinders inside the houses that also exploded.”
The structures were ground and ground-plus-one-floor illegal hutments. Prima facie, it appears that the fire erupted in the meter room and spread rapidly in the crammed area, he added.
Khar fire incident
Six people, including a senior citizen and two minors, sustained burn injuries in a cylinder leakage which occurred on Monday morning. Reported at around 8.45 am, the blaze erupted in a one plus structure in a chawl located near the Rizvi school, Khar West.
Chief Fire Brigade Officer Sanjay Manjrekar said that the blaze erupted after one of the family members tried to lit up stove not knowning that gas cylinder was leaking. The blaze was finally doused after an hour's struggle. The police and fire brigade have conducted a detailed analysis of the incident.