A Mumbai-based woman was harassed by three unidentified men recently in Vikhroli suburb of the city which shook her and caused distress.The incident happened at night near Vikhroli Park Site and she was with her husband at the time; the two then filed a complaint in the matter. The woman said that the incident happened on July 16 and as of July 27, no action had been taken.
The survivor took to her social media and shared her ordeal in trying to get a complaint filed and also posted the video clip of the accused persons who were harassing her.
The ordeal of filing the FIR
The couple had initially approached the Vikhroli Park Site Police Station near to their residence but the officers there directed them to Tilak Nagar police station, claiming that the incident's jurisdiction lay there. Despite the late hours, they followed with the officers' words.
Upon reaching Tilak Nagar police station, they hoped for swift action and support. However, the reality was far from their expectations. The process of filing an FIR dragged on for a gruelling four hours, leaving the couple anxious and frustrated. Finally, the FIR was registered at around 3 am after a long and tiring wait.
If that gruelling time was not enough, the cops at Tilak Nagar had asked the woman's husband to return to the incident spot in their patrol van past midnight to record location reading on the compass.
A runaround of responsibility
Their relief was short-lived when they were informed that the case fell under the jurisdiction of VP Nagar police station. The couple has been reaching out to the station to follow up on investigation. However, their calls remained unanswered, and they were left with no updates on the progress of their case.