Mumbai: Maharashtra Governor Ramesh Bais inaugurated the Fire Service Week and launched the Maharashtra Fire Services Personnel Welfare Fund Raising Campaign. During the event held at Raj Bhavan Mumbai, he made his donation to the Flag Fund and also presented the President's Fire Service Medals and Scrolls to 13 Fire Officers and leading firemen from Mumbai and other parts of the State. Chief Firebrigade Officer Sanjay Manjrekar was among the 13 officers to receive the award.
The governor emphasized the importance of a modern, well-equipped, well-staffed and modern Fire Fighting Force for Mumbai and the state. He also called for conducting regular fire audits of housing societies and industrial establishments.
During his speech, the governor appealed to citizens to donate generously to the Fire Services Personnel Welfare Fund, which supports the families of fire service personnel. He also emphasized the importance of creating a well-equipped and well-staffed Fire Fighting Force for Mumbai and the state, and the need for regular fire audits of housing societies and industrial establishments.
Recipients of the President's Fire Service Medals included Sanjay Manjrekar, Chief Fire Officer from Mumbai Fire Brigade, Devendra Potphode, Chief Fire Officer from PMRDA Pune, and Prashant Ranpise, former Chief Fire Officer from Pune Municipal Corporation, among others. CFO Mumbai Fire Brigade Sanjay Manjarekar proposed a vote of thanks. The Fire Service Day is observed on April 14 in remembrance of the fire services personnel who lost their lives in the devastating fire caused by the explosions in the Mumbai Dock Explosion in 1944.